Constipation Remedies For Adults – Causes of Constipation

Slowed movement of stool through the intestines

A major cause of constipation is when the movement of stool through the large intestine slows down.  Normally, the large intestine pulls water from the stool as it passes through.  If the normal movement of the stool is slowed down for any reason, it gives the large intestine the opportunity to pull more water than usual; from the stool.  This results in harder, drier stools, and can make them more difficult to pass, thus causing constipation.

There are many common drugs that can cause slowing of the stool movements.  They include over-the-counter antacids, iron salts, many blood pressure medications, opioids and sedatives.

Constipation Remedies

Lack of physical activity is also a major cause of constipation.  Regular physical activity helps keep the digestive system moving normally and keeps the stool moving through the intestines.  Lack of activity can slow down the stool.  For this reason, people who are confined from getting up and moving about can often suffer from constipation.

There are several diseases and disorders that can cause constipation.  These include underactive thyroid, high blood calcium (hypercalcemia) and Parkinson’s disease.  People with diabetes sometimes develop a condition where portions of their digestive system will slow down and cause constipation.  Other conditions that can cause constipation include poor blood supply to the large intestine, nerve damage or spinal cord injury.

Lack of Fluid and Fiber in the Diet

Not getting enough fluids to drink every day can be the culprit in causing constipation.  If the body does not get enough fluid, it tries to conserve fluids by removing more water from the stool that is sitting in the large intestine.  Lack of fiber can compound this problem because fiber helps to hold water in the stool, making it easier to pass.


Constipation can sometimes be caused by obstructions in the large or small intestine.  These obstructions can be caused by many things, including cancerous masses, chunks of undigested food, and fibrous tissues, which can be caused by scars from previous surgeries.  Any time an object blocks the intestine and will not let stool pass, it can turn into a serious matter requiring immediate treatment.


Constipation is a common complaint among older people.  Age-related changes in the rectum and large intestine can often be to blame, but lack of physical activity and increased used of medications to treat other ailments can also be the underlying cause.  As we age, it is important to stay active and note any changes that occur when we start on new medications.  Sometimes, doctors will prescribe a stool softener or laxative to go along with a medication that is known to cause constipation.  Adjustments to diet and exercise can also combat the effects of medication on the passage of our stool.


Dyschezia is a condition where the individual has no control over their pelvic and anal muscles.  Control of these muscle groups is necessary for normal bowel elimination.  People with dyschezia  can sense that they need to have a bowel movement, but they are unable to use the muscles necessary to execute the act of moving their bowels.

Pain and psychologic conditions

People suffering from chronic pain and depression may suffer from both acute and chronic constipation.  Disturbances of chemical balances in the brain, especially serotonin, may have an adverse impact on several organs of the body, including the intestinal tract.

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