Bowel Constipation

Bowel constipation is, perhaps, one of the most bothersome afflictions that any living creature suffers. When you are unable to move your bowels, there is an assortment of bad things that go along with that. These include abdominal cramping and pain, bloating, gas, and other highly unpleasant symptoms. Once you arrive at this point, there is little you can do except to find a remedy for your misery. These can be anything from home remedies to prescription aids. Depending on the severity of your problem, you may choose to try other things first that do not require a visit to your doctor.

For temporary relief of bowel constipation, you can try a few of the home remedies. One popular recipe is to mix two tablespoons of blackstrap molasses and one tablespoon of honey into a glass of milk. Drink this before going to bed at night and you will most likely gain relief following breakfast the next morning. Another version of this that seems to work slightly faster is a cold glass of milk with two tablespoons of Karo syrup mixed in. This can work in as little as an hour. Yet another way is to drink a glass of cold water followed by a hot beverage of some sort. This is known to work very quickly.

If you would like permanent relief from bowel constipation, change your eating habits as well as your diet. You need to be eating a diet high in fiber. This is very easy because essentially all you will be doing is adding fruit, vegetables and whole grains to your diet. Increasing your fiber intake on a daily basis will have you feeling better in no time at all. Drinking more water should also be a part of this new regime. This keeps your body hydrated and running smoothly.

While you are changing your eating lifestyle, it is a great time to add some regular exercise into the mix. When you are eating right and exercising enough, you may find that you will probably never have issues with bowel constipation again. That is enough to make you stick to this eating program and not want to cheat. You can reward yourself occasionally but always keep in mind that you do not want to be suffering from irregularity ever again. So keep those rewards to a moderate amount. You can still enjoy things that are not wonderful for you, but keep these very limited.