Severe Constipation During Pregnancy

Constipation is common throughout your pregnancy.  You may experience it for your entire pregnancy, or only during a certain trimester, or even not at all.  During your first trimester, constipation is usually caused by the hormone changes you are going through.  These usually affect your digestive tract, making it slower than usual or even uncooperative.  Later in your pregnancy, constipation is often caused by the baby taking up so much room in your abdomen, leaving little room for your intestines to work properly.  If you are taking iron supplements, you may also experience increased constipation.

There are several things that you can do to help relieve your constipation.  Many of these are dietary changes that are beneficial to everyone, not just a pregnant woman.  These changes are making sure you are getting enough water to drink, making sure you eat plenty of fiber, watching the amount of dairy foods you eat or drink and getting enough exercise.  If these are not working, then you should talk to your doctor about using an over-the-counter stool softener or laxative.  Some of these may not be safe to use during pregnancy, so your doctor may have some additional things that you can try.
Constipation During Pregnancy

One of the primary culprits of constipation, whether pregnant or not, is dehydration.  This is why making sure you drink the recommended amount of water, eight to ten glasses a day, is usually the first change suggested by your doctor.  Dehydration contributes to constipation because your body will take moisture out of your feces if you are not drinking enough water.  Many people drink coffee or tea during the day and count those toward their eight to ten glasses of water.  You shouldn't do this because tea and coffee can actually cause you to lose water.  If you find that you can't drink water all day, it is okay to break up the water drinking with fruit juice.  Fruit juice, especially apple or prune juice, may actually help you go to the bathroom because of the sugar in it.  It's a natural sugar and draws moisture into the feces, making it easier to pass.  But don't overdo it with the fruit juice, or you will end up with the opposite of constipation, diarrhea.

Another home remedy for constipation is to increase the amount of fiber in your diet.  This can be accomplished easily; all you have to do is increase the amount of vegetables and fruits in your diet and switch to whole grain breads.  If you can't make these simple changes, there is another way to increase your fiber.  You can start taking a fiber supplement, such as Metamucil, or there are new fiber additives for your food.  Both of these are good ways to increase your fiber.  Keep in mind though, when you increase fiber you need to increase the amount of water you drink as well because fiber absorbs a lot of water.

Too much iron or calcium can also cause constipation.  Both of these minerals draw water from the feces, causing it to harden and be difficult to pass.  An easy way to reduce the risk of this happening is to only eat or drink the recommended daily servings of dairy products (many people's main source of calcium) and reduce your iron intake if it exceeds 30 mg per day.  Many iron supplements exceed this, so talk to your doctor about the best way to get sufficient iron without overdoing it.

Exercise has been shown to stimulate bowel movements, thus decreasing the risk of developing constipation.  Many people have a bowel movement shortly after exercising because the physical activity gets your lower intestine working, causing a bowel movement.  Many doctors recommend pregnant women start exercising slowly, start with a 20 to 30-minute walk twice a week and gradually increase it to a 20 to 30-minute walk every day.  There are also other exercises that you can do to help relieve constipation and ones perfect for pregnant women are swimming, yoga and riding an exercise bike.

One of the easiest ways to relieve constipation is also one of the hardest habits to break.  We've all felt the urge to go to the bathroom, but have put it off to get a little more work done.  By the time we remember that we had to go to the bathroom, the urge has passed and many people don't go.  This causes the feces to sit in the intestine longer, causing the body to withdraw even more moisture.  This makes the feces hard and more difficult to pass.  Sometimes you can't help but wait.  When this happens, make sure you go to the bathroom as soon as possible.

If none of these suggestions have helped you, talk to your doctor.  He or she will be able to tell you what stool softeners are safe for you to take while pregnant.  Never take any laxatives or herbal supplements while pregnant without talking to your doctor first because these are absorbed by the body and can be passed on to your baby, with some bad side effects.

Is Constipation A Sign Of Pregnancy

Pregnancy brings a lot of changes in the woman’s body. It alters the hormonal production and it brings many discomforts that cannot be explained by mere words. The first signs of pregnancy are often not noticeable, or if they are, most women try to ignore them. One question that is often asked is – “is constipation a sign of pregnancy”?

There are a number of signs and symptoms of pregnancy but they do not manifest equally in every pregnant woman. Some would experience the early signs of pregnancy too delicately that they would even be required to stay on bed rest for a certain period, while others do not have any of them at all. This latter case is the story of the fortunate ones.

Before being tested positively, some women claim that constipation is one sign that can tell you if you are on the family way. They say that along with missing a menstruation period and feeling stressed all the time, constipation is another condition that can positively confirm that you are pregnant, especially if you naturally have a normal bowel movement. So the question still remains: is constipation a sign of pregnancy?

 The Positive Signs Of Pregnancy

Before addressing that concern, you need to look at the other signs of pregnancy. Various studies regarding these signs reveal numerous symptoms that can be associated with pregnancy. Included here are the tender breasts, nausea and sleepiness, frequent urination, backache, and a slight alteration of the color of the areola.

The tenderness of breast and the increase in its size is a positive sign that you will soon be having a baby. The reasonable explanation for this is that it is getting ready to breastfeed. The other symptoms can be explained by the hormonal changes in the body brought about by pregnancy. In connection to this, one question has been raised about the early symptoms of pregnancy: is constipation a sign of pregnancy?

Studies have shown that constipation is a natural effect of pregnancy because of two things. First, constipation may be due to the alteration in the secretion of certain hormones inside the body. Second, it may be attributed to the increasing size of the uterus. And then the question remains: can constipation be a sign of pregnancy?

Constipation: A Sign Of Pregnancy

Typically, a woman will start to realize that she is pregnant when she misses her period. However, most women are not mindful of the coming and going of their menstrual cycle. Thus, they look for other signs. They may ask, is constipation a sign of pregnancy?

Yes, constipation is a sign of pregnancy. However, because it is not a familiar symptom of pregnancy, this condition is typically shrugged off as another annoying thing that comes every now and then. It is important to learn at this point that as early as the first day of conception, the level of progesterone already begins to fluctuate. This causes the slowing down of the digestive process and the eventual difficulty in bowel movement. Is Constipation a Sign of Pregnancy?

This becomes an important question, especially if there is a great possibility for you to be pregnant. It is a significant query in view of the fact that pregnancy is a critical situation. You will not be allowed to take medications that can harm the life in your womb. Hence, it is a good advice to be careful at this point. The most prudent thing to do is take a pregnancy test or have yourself checked by a physician.

Constipation In Early Pregnancy

Having a baby and being pregnant is one of those moments in the life of a woman where every condition and feeling, whether emotional, psychological, or physical, can be experienced. One of the most common problems that pregnant women experience within the nine months of pregnancy is constipation. However, what can be considered as the period in which constipation is highly significant and relevant is during the early stages of pregnancy. In fact, it is also known to be one of the early symptoms.  Constipation in early pregnancy may be attributed to different causes and it may be presented through different symptoms. To counter this, there are different treatments available  that should relieve the discomfort and pain that may accompany the condition.

Lets see what are the most common cause for early pregnancy constipation. The primary known reason why constipation manifests during the early stages  is the release of the hormone progesterone. Although you can blame progesterone for constipation, it is very important for the female body, especially when it starts nurturing the child inside it. Progesterone is responsible for the softening of ligaments and muscles, a necessary pregnancy process to prepare the woman’s body for the eventual expansion in order to accommodate the growing baby. This is also a preparation for childbirth itself. However, the softening of the muscles slows down the function of the digestive organs and system which therefore causes constipation in early pregnancy. This is also the reason why constipation is also listed as one of the early signs of pregnancy.

Another known reason for experiencing constipation in the early weeks and months of pregnancy is the prenatal vitamins. These vitamins are necessary for the health of the mother and the child. The iron content of the vitamins is what triggers constipation.

Now there are women who are susceptible to morning sickness and they might lose most of their body’s water due to vomiting. They might also lose appetite and are also not likely to consume dietary fibers and enough liquids which increase the likelihood of constipation in early pregnancy.

Symptoms of Constipation in the Early Stage of Pregnancy

Constipation during the first trimester is characterized by accompanying symptoms which are more or less similar to the symptoms of non-pregnancy constipation. However, some of the symptoms are either stronger or weaker when it occurs during pregnancy. The most common ones are straining, backaches, and heartburn. Painful elimination of bowel and bloating are also common. Pregnancy constipation may also be accompanied by other mental and physical difficulties including tiredness and sleeplessness as well as mental stress.

Constipation in Early Pregnancy Treatments

Most pregnancy websites can provide you with suggestions on how you can alleviate the effects and early symptoms of pregnancy, including constipation. In constipation, the most common remedy is to eat fiber-rich foods as well as to drink lots of water. Exercise recommended for pregnant women can also help in the gentle stimulation of bowel movement and improved digestion. It is also recommended to consult your medical practitioner of any unusual feelings and conditions that you may be experiencing during your entire pregnancy.

Symptoms of Constipation During Pregnancy

Women are sure to experience constipation during pregnancy because their body undergoes certain changes while they are with child. Although constipation can be a troublesome problem, there are ways that can actually help in alleviating the symptoms of constipation during pregnancy. To find out more about these symptoms and how best to treat them, continue reading and determine how you can enjoy your pregnancy even more minus the hassles of constipation.

What are the symptoms of constipation during pregnancy then? There are several factors that can trigger constipation during pregnancy. Since the body undergoes hormonal changes while a child is growing in the womb, women are more likely to experience back aches, nausea, dizziness and constipation, among others. Aside from these, there are other symptoms of constipation during pregnancy that should be considered as well.

Among the signs and symptoms of constipation that women are most likely to experience include bloating, abdominal pain, nausea and poor appetite. Irregular bowel movement is also another symptom of constipation that pregnant women should keep an eye out and if these symptoms appear, consult your doctor as soon as possible.

What Causes Constipation in Pregnant Women?

Now that you have an idea on the symptoms of constipation during pregnancy, understanding what its causes are can give you a better idea on how to alleviate the discomfort. Just like what was mentioned before, changes in the body can have an effect on your bowel movement. Diet and medication can be culprits in causing constipation which can be remedied easily enough. Another possible cause of constipation is the expansion of the uterus where it tends to press down on your intestines. Too much progesterone can also trigger symptoms of constipation during pregnancy.

These are only a few examples on causes that can trigger the symptoms of constipation during pregnancy. By identifying these things, you can already start looking for possible remedies to alleviate the symptoms.

How to Treat Symptoms of Constipation during Pregnancy

What are the treatments used to lessen the impact of the symptoms of constipation during pregnancy? Some pregnant women are advised to change their daily diet to one that is high in fiber to help regulate bowel movements. Another treatment that is said to help significantly is drinking large amounts of water daily. Keeping your body properly hydrated can help boost your body’s ability to flush out any toxins that get stored in your digestive tract.

Exercising is found to prevent constipation as well. When referring to exercise for pregnant women, walking is considered to be the best in keeping you strong and healthy. At least 10 to 15 minutes of exercise daily can be a big thing when it comes to combating constipation in pregnant women.

There are medications as well that can treat symptoms of constipation during pregnancy. Among these are Movicol and Lactulose.

These treatments can actually make a significant improvement on your overall well-being especially when it comes to regulating your bowel movement. Any symptoms of constipation during pregnancy can be alleviated provided that you know which of the symptoms you are experiencing right now.

Constipation During Pregnancy Home Remedies

As a pregnant woman, constipation is probably one of the toughest battles that you have to deal with for a relatively long period of time. If there is one thing that you can take comfort in knowing, however, is that almost all pregnant women suffer from this, and are probably looking for cures for constipation during pregnancy.

What causes it then? If you are wondering what causes this phenomenon to happen, it is because during pregnancy, the digestive system slows down a little because the intestines need to extract every bit of nutrition possible. This happens when you eat all sorts of food, drinks, and vitamins. Of course, you would not want to wish it away given that your baby needs all the nutrients it can get, and only a slowed digestive system can provide it.

Add that to a weakened pelvic floor muscles and having a growing uterus which pushes the bowels down, and you probably would want everything to change. Do not worry, though, because constipation during pregnancy home remedies can be available to relieve you of your pain.

Working out and keeping the fluids up

All constipation during pregnancy home remedies will tell you that muscles around the pelvic floor area of the body can help you remove the waste inside your body in an easier manner. Without any sort of physical activity, the area will be swelling during remedies and it will make it difficult for you to cope up even with normal bowel movements. For this, you might want to learn about Keigel exercises which are done through squeezing your pelvic floor muscle in a very tight manner for at least ten seconds, then releasing it for another ten seconds and so on. Secondly, you might want to engage in normal to low impact aerobics to increase your physical activity. You will be pleased to know that these constipation during pregnancy home remedies are actually helpful not only to deal with your bowel problems, but also for problems during the actual labor. Another remedy is to actually drink a lot of fluids, like water. Drinking warm tea is even considered to be one of the most popular herbal remedy for constipation. That’s because fluids inside the body can help soften up the stool to make it easier to excrete.

Making your own diet as a possible constipation during pregnancy home remedies

What people normally do not know is that the food you eat can be helpful in easing the pain of constipation during pregnancy. Fiber, for example can be easily digested which means that it will be excreted faster than other sources of food. Moreover, foods that are actually high in what people call soluble fiber can fuel the bacteria inside the digestive tract to be converted into a type of gel which can make the bowel movements soft and relatively easier to pass.

At the end of the day, remember that the pain you are feeling is what enables your child to grow stronger. Just don’t forget these tips and constipation during pregnancy home remedies and you won’t have to be in pain again.