Symptoms of Constipation During Pregnancy

Women are sure to experience constipation during pregnancy because their body undergoes certain changes while they are with child. Although constipation can be a troublesome problem, there are ways that can actually help in alleviating the symptoms of constipation during pregnancy. To find out more about these symptoms and how best to treat them, continue reading and determine how you can enjoy your pregnancy even more minus the hassles of constipation.

What are the symptoms of constipation during pregnancy then? There are several factors that can trigger constipation during pregnancy. Since the body undergoes hormonal changes while a child is growing in the womb, women are more likely to experience back aches, nausea, dizziness and constipation, among others. Aside from these, there are other symptoms of constipation during pregnancy that should be considered as well.

Among the signs and symptoms of constipation that women are most likely to experience include bloating, abdominal pain, nausea and poor appetite. Irregular bowel movement is also another symptom of constipation that pregnant women should keep an eye out and if these symptoms appear, consult your doctor as soon as possible.

What Causes Constipation in Pregnant Women?

Now that you have an idea on the symptoms of constipation during pregnancy, understanding what its causes are can give you a better idea on how to alleviate the discomfort. Just like what was mentioned before, changes in the body can have an effect on your bowel movement. Diet and medication can be culprits in causing constipation which can be remedied easily enough. Another possible cause of constipation is the expansion of the uterus where it tends to press down on your intestines. Too much progesterone can also trigger symptoms of constipation during pregnancy.

These are only a few examples on causes that can trigger the symptoms of constipation during pregnancy. By identifying these things, you can already start looking for possible remedies to alleviate the symptoms.

How to Treat Symptoms of Constipation during Pregnancy

What are the treatments used to lessen the impact of the symptoms of constipation during pregnancy? Some pregnant women are advised to change their daily diet to one that is high in fiber to help regulate bowel movements. Another treatment that is said to help significantly is drinking large amounts of water daily. Keeping your body properly hydrated can help boost your body’s ability to flush out any toxins that get stored in your digestive tract.

Exercising is found to prevent constipation as well. When referring to exercise for pregnant women, walking is considered to be the best in keeping you strong and healthy. At least 10 to 15 minutes of exercise daily can be a big thing when it comes to combating constipation in pregnant women.

There are medications as well that can treat symptoms of constipation during pregnancy. Among these are Movicol and Lactulose.

These treatments can actually make a significant improvement on your overall well-being especially when it comes to regulating your bowel movement. Any symptoms of constipation during pregnancy can be alleviated provided that you know which of the symptoms you are experiencing right now.

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