Constipation Remedies For Adults – Prevention and Treatment

Today on the Constipation Remedies For Adults blog, we wil be discussing how to prevent and treat constipation.

The best strategy for preventing and treating constipation is a combination of the following:

  • Adequate intake of daily fluids

  • Regular exercise – several times per week

  • A diet that is high in fiber

  • Occasional use of laxatives when needed

Special attention should be paid to the above precautions when a person has been prescribed a medication that is known to cause constipation.

Fruits, vegetables and bran are all excellent sources of fiber. Some people find that fiber supplements work well for them. Special care should be taken when using a fiber supplement to drink a generous amount of fluids along with the supplement. The supplement will not work well without the accompanying liquids.

Laxatives To Treat and Prevent Constipation

Many people use laxatives on a regular basis to treat or help prevent their constipation. Care should be taken not to use laxatives too frequently, because your body can become dependent on them, and you should not have to rely on a laxative to have a regular bowel movement. Some laxatives are safe for long term use. You should consult your doctor if you are using laxatives on a more than occasional basis.

There are several different types of laxatives, and they all work differently. In this article, we will cover:

    • Bulking Agents

    • Stool Softeners

    • Osmotic Agents

    • Stimulant Laxatives

Bulking Agents For Constipation

Bulking agents work to relieve constipation by adding bulk to the stool. The bulkier stools stimulate the intestines to move the stool along more easily, and bulkier stools are easier to pass. Use of bulking agents is probably the gentlest and safest way to treat and prevent constipation. Bran and psyllium are well-known bulking agents, while the fiber in fruits and vegetables will also do a good job of adding bulk to the stool. Bulking agents should be taken in small amounts at first and gradually increased until regularity is achieved. Plenty of fluids should always be consumed while taking bulking agents.

Stool Softeners

Stool softeners work by increasing the amount of water that your stool can hold. They also help to smooth the surface of the stool. The increase in water makes the stool bulkier, which stimulates the intestines to move the stool along, and the smoother surface makes the stool easier to pass. Softeners can sometimes result in very soft or runny stools. Softeners are particularly helpful for people who must avoid straining. Typically, people with hemorrhoids and people who have had recent surgery get very good results with stool softeners.

Osmotic Agents

Osmotic agents work by pulling a large amount of water into the large intestine. This stretches the walls of the intestine, which makes it easier to pass the stools. It also stimulates contractions, which help the intestines move the stools through. The added fluid also makes the stool soft and loose, making elimination even easier. Unlike some of the other treatments listed here, osmotic agents do not come without side effects. Magnesium and phosphates contained in some osmotic agents can be absorbed into the bloodstream. This can be harmful to people with kidney problems, so you should always consult a doctor and know exactly what ingredients are in any osmotic agent you choose to use.

Stimulant Laxatives

Stimulant laxatives are the harshest form of treatment for constipation, and must be used with care. Most contain irritants such as senna and cascara, which stimulate the large intestine to cause contractions. These contractions move the stool through the intestine quickly, but can also cause cramping. Stimulant laxatives work quickly – six to eight hours when taken by mouth, and fifteen to sixty minutes when taken by suppository. Prolonged use can cause damage to the large intestine, and can also result in Lazy Bowel Syndrome, a condition where the large intestine becomes dependent on a laxative to function properly. For these reasons, stimulant laxatives should only be taken on occasion, and not for an extended period of time.

Should You Use an Enema to Treat Constipation?

An enema is a procedure which involves flushing the lower part of the large intestine with fluid to aid in the elimination of stools. Small volume enemas are administered with a plastic squeeze bottle or a reusable squeeze ball device with a nozzle attached. In situations where a small volume enema is not sufficient, such as in elderly patients whose lower bowls have stretched over time, a larger volume enema may be administered with an enema bag.

The best fluid to use in an enema is plain water, which should be room temperature or slightly warm – never cold or hot. The enema should be introduced to the bowel gently, never forcibly, in volumes of 5 to 10 fluid ounces. The water will be held briefly, then expelled, washing the stool out along with it.

Many people recommend adding salts or phosphates to the enema solution, however, no benefit has been found in doing this. The same is true for adding mineral oil to the enema solution – again, plain water is best.

The addition of a small amount of detergent soap the an enema will have a stimulant effect on the bowel, and may help the enema to work a bit better, but like most stimulants, this may also cause cramping.

Constipation Remedies For Adults – Causes of Constipation

Slowed movement of stool through the intestines

A major cause of constipation is when the movement of stool through the large intestine slows down.  Normally, the large intestine pulls water from the stool as it passes through.  If the normal movement of the stool is slowed down for any reason, it gives the large intestine the opportunity to pull more water than usual; from the stool.  This results in harder, drier stools, and can make them more difficult to pass, thus causing constipation.

There are many common drugs that can cause slowing of the stool movements.  They include over-the-counter antacids, iron salts, many blood pressure medications, opioids and sedatives.

Constipation Remedies

Lack of physical activity is also a major cause of constipation.  Regular physical activity helps keep the digestive system moving normally and keeps the stool moving through the intestines.  Lack of activity can slow down the stool.  For this reason, people who are confined from getting up and moving about can often suffer from constipation.

There are several diseases and disorders that can cause constipation.  These include underactive thyroid, high blood calcium (hypercalcemia) and Parkinson’s disease.  People with diabetes sometimes develop a condition where portions of their digestive system will slow down and cause constipation.  Other conditions that can cause constipation include poor blood supply to the large intestine, nerve damage or spinal cord injury.

Lack of Fluid and Fiber in the Diet

Not getting enough fluids to drink every day can be the culprit in causing constipation.  If the body does not get enough fluid, it tries to conserve fluids by removing more water from the stool that is sitting in the large intestine.  Lack of fiber can compound this problem because fiber helps to hold water in the stool, making it easier to pass.


Constipation can sometimes be caused by obstructions in the large or small intestine.  These obstructions can be caused by many things, including cancerous masses, chunks of undigested food, and fibrous tissues, which can be caused by scars from previous surgeries.  Any time an object blocks the intestine and will not let stool pass, it can turn into a serious matter requiring immediate treatment.


Constipation is a common complaint among older people.  Age-related changes in the rectum and large intestine can often be to blame, but lack of physical activity and increased used of medications to treat other ailments can also be the underlying cause.  As we age, it is important to stay active and note any changes that occur when we start on new medications.  Sometimes, doctors will prescribe a stool softener or laxative to go along with a medication that is known to cause constipation.  Adjustments to diet and exercise can also combat the effects of medication on the passage of our stool.


Dyschezia is a condition where the individual has no control over their pelvic and anal muscles.  Control of these muscle groups is necessary for normal bowel elimination.  People with dyschezia  can sense that they need to have a bowel movement, but they are unable to use the muscles necessary to execute the act of moving their bowels.

Pain and psychologic conditions

People suffering from chronic pain and depression may suffer from both acute and chronic constipation.  Disturbances of chemical balances in the brain, especially serotonin, may have an adverse impact on several organs of the body, including the intestinal tract.

Severe Constipation During Pregnancy

Constipation is common throughout your pregnancy.  You may experience it for your entire pregnancy, or only during a certain trimester, or even not at all.  During your first trimester, constipation is usually caused by the hormone changes you are going through.  These usually affect your digestive tract, making it slower than usual or even uncooperative.  Later in your pregnancy, constipation is often caused by the baby taking up so much room in your abdomen, leaving little room for your intestines to work properly.  If you are taking iron supplements, you may also experience increased constipation.

There are several things that you can do to help relieve your constipation.  Many of these are dietary changes that are beneficial to everyone, not just a pregnant woman.  These changes are making sure you are getting enough water to drink, making sure you eat plenty of fiber, watching the amount of dairy foods you eat or drink and getting enough exercise.  If these are not working, then you should talk to your doctor about using an over-the-counter stool softener or laxative.  Some of these may not be safe to use during pregnancy, so your doctor may have some additional things that you can try.
Constipation During Pregnancy

One of the primary culprits of constipation, whether pregnant or not, is dehydration.  This is why making sure you drink the recommended amount of water, eight to ten glasses a day, is usually the first change suggested by your doctor.  Dehydration contributes to constipation because your body will take moisture out of your feces if you are not drinking enough water.  Many people drink coffee or tea during the day and count those toward their eight to ten glasses of water.  You shouldn't do this because tea and coffee can actually cause you to lose water.  If you find that you can't drink water all day, it is okay to break up the water drinking with fruit juice.  Fruit juice, especially apple or prune juice, may actually help you go to the bathroom because of the sugar in it.  It's a natural sugar and draws moisture into the feces, making it easier to pass.  But don't overdo it with the fruit juice, or you will end up with the opposite of constipation, diarrhea.

Another home remedy for constipation is to increase the amount of fiber in your diet.  This can be accomplished easily; all you have to do is increase the amount of vegetables and fruits in your diet and switch to whole grain breads.  If you can't make these simple changes, there is another way to increase your fiber.  You can start taking a fiber supplement, such as Metamucil, or there are new fiber additives for your food.  Both of these are good ways to increase your fiber.  Keep in mind though, when you increase fiber you need to increase the amount of water you drink as well because fiber absorbs a lot of water.

Too much iron or calcium can also cause constipation.  Both of these minerals draw water from the feces, causing it to harden and be difficult to pass.  An easy way to reduce the risk of this happening is to only eat or drink the recommended daily servings of dairy products (many people's main source of calcium) and reduce your iron intake if it exceeds 30 mg per day.  Many iron supplements exceed this, so talk to your doctor about the best way to get sufficient iron without overdoing it.

Exercise has been shown to stimulate bowel movements, thus decreasing the risk of developing constipation.  Many people have a bowel movement shortly after exercising because the physical activity gets your lower intestine working, causing a bowel movement.  Many doctors recommend pregnant women start exercising slowly, start with a 20 to 30-minute walk twice a week and gradually increase it to a 20 to 30-minute walk every day.  There are also other exercises that you can do to help relieve constipation and ones perfect for pregnant women are swimming, yoga and riding an exercise bike.

One of the easiest ways to relieve constipation is also one of the hardest habits to break.  We've all felt the urge to go to the bathroom, but have put it off to get a little more work done.  By the time we remember that we had to go to the bathroom, the urge has passed and many people don't go.  This causes the feces to sit in the intestine longer, causing the body to withdraw even more moisture.  This makes the feces hard and more difficult to pass.  Sometimes you can't help but wait.  When this happens, make sure you go to the bathroom as soon as possible.

If none of these suggestions have helped you, talk to your doctor.  He or she will be able to tell you what stool softeners are safe for you to take while pregnant.  Never take any laxatives or herbal supplements while pregnant without talking to your doctor first because these are absorbed by the body and can be passed on to your baby, with some bad side effects.

Causes of Constipation in Women

Women are more prone to be constipated than men due to many reasons, and a variety of factors contribute to this problem. 20 percent of women have known to suffer from constipation at various points of their lives.

What causes constipation in women?

1. Lack of fiber: Not having fiber in the diet is one of the biggest reasons for constipation in women. If there is not much fiber in the diet, the stool tends to become more solid and can be difficult to pass. The stool becomes so hard that it can become quite a task to pass them, leading to constipation.

2. Retaining stool as a social behavior: Women are three times more likely to retain their stool due to perceived embarrassment in going to the toilet in a public or social setting. They also tend to sacrifice doing it in the public toilets because they believe that this can lead to hygiene issues to their private parts. They are socially conditioned to hold it till they reach the privacy of their homes. But then, this idea of postponing the bowel movement can lead accumulation of stool, leading to a high degree of constipation in women.

3. Fad diet: It has been observed that women, specially the younger lot are more prone to eat fast food, junk food that can clog the bowels and cause constipation. Also women who are charmed by fad diets only to know that they are not really nutritional, end up forsaking some of the important nutrients that give roughage to their system, leading to constipation in women.

4. Pregnancy: Women are more flatulent and constipated during pregnancy. This is due to changes in the hormones in her body, making her large intestine function differently compared to the way it was before pregnancy. There is a change in the nutrition (she has to eat more, lack of physical activity and of course, hormonal changes that cause constipation in pregnant women.

5. Menopause: Hormonal changes in menopause can also cause constipation. Lack of physical activity where a woman is more focused on taking it easy can cause difficulty in passing bowel movement

6. Laxative use: Women are more prone to take laxatives to stimulate bowel movement. This so-called easy solution can backfire because the bowels can become weaker. Also there are more cases of women taking laxatives as a symptom of eating disorder.

7. Stress, anxiety and depression: All these worrying conditions can also cause sluggish bowel movements. Due to a worrying incident, a woman is not able to eat properly, digest food well and also pass motions properly

8. Stressful lifestyle: The stressful life style of a woman has made her so busy that she has to juggle work with managing a home. This leaves little time for her to sit on the toilet properly for a complete bowel movement, because her mind is busy with other chores to attend to.

9. Medications : Medications like antidepressants, iron pill, pain killing medications, antacids that contain calcium and iron can also cause constipation in women

10. Diseases: Diseases like irritable bowel syndrome, colon cancer, hemorrhoids, hypothyroidism, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s Disease and colon cancer can also cause constipation in women.

Constipation in Pregnant Women

Pregnant women tend to have constipation more than most people. This is because the digestive system along with the organ systems experience hormonal changes. During pregnancy, the woman’s body releases more hormones than normal. The hormone progesterone relaxes the stomach muscles, which makes the digestive system sluggish and delayed. This causes constipation and excessive flatulence in pregnant women.
Constipation in Pregnant Women

Signs of constipation in pregnant women

1. If there are more than three days between each bowel movement
2. Feces are hard and not easy to passs
3. Lower abdominal pain
4. In some cases, if feces are hard, it can also bleeding in the rectum.

Prevent and treat flatulence in pregnant women

For maintaining regular bowel movements the pregnant women should have
1. Fiber rich food to prevent constipation: Fiber can help intestines work smoothly. Since the digestive system slows down, the fiber rich foods can provide the additional push ad not make the feces hard. Foods like vegetables, fruit, wholegrain, prunes contain fiber for better bowel movements.
2. Drink as much water as you can, herbal tea, fruit juice can also help
3. Consult your doctor for exercises that can be done during pregnancy, they can also help for the bowels to function smoothly and minimize constipation in pregnant women.

Constipation Relief for Women Review

Constipation relief for women is the best natural treatment for constipation relief. Dr. Karla Mauro, who is a naturopathic doctor in Ontario Canada, has treated many women off their constipation problems. He has started a seven day free email course that can cure constipation in women comprehensively and help them get regular bowel moments on a daily basis.

Constipation Relief for Women-Best Treatment for Constipation in Women

Most women tend to use laxatives and other OTC or prescription medicines to stimulate bowel movements. But these can only weaken the intestines and cause more serious problems. Besides, most treatment for constipation in women can only treatment symptoms, what one needs is a permanent or atleast long term solution for sluggish bowel movements. Naturopathy is the solution, this form of treat has no side-effects and can nip the problem in the bud. In other words, Dr. Karla Mauro’s Constipation Relief for Women cures the root causes of constipation in women, not just merely touch the surface of the problem.

About Dr. Karla Mauro, is he legit?

Dr. Karlo Mauro, BSc, HonsBA, MSEd, ND is a naturopathic doctor, who runs a clinic in Ontario, Canada. He was fascinated by naturopathy, took professional training for years and became a registered practicing doctor with Naturopathic Medicine Degree.He centralized his attention in gut trouble in women, a problem that females would suppress and keep it secretive. He found out that constipation, excessive flatulence, cramps and bloating was a common problem in ladies . Since gut is the causes of most health problems, he was able to treat most other problems that women had, by treating their gut and intestinal issues.
27 Constipation Relief Strategies for women
Constipation Relief for Women Review

Having constipation can lead to gas, bloating, fatigue, acid reflux, skin problems etc. A latest study also shows that constipation is linked to heart problems. “Food should pass out within 24 hours. Anything longer and you’releaving yourself at risk for hemorrhoids, diverticulosis, varicoseveins and even cancer” says Dr. Karla Mauro

It is a myth to assume that only old women, pregnant or obese women have bowel movement problem, a stunning looking with a great body may also be experiencing chronic constipation, which makes her lose sleep and causing fatigue and limiting her social interactions. Here is a testimonial about a beautiful model with constipation problem

Taking into account the fact that constipation can strike many women, he created the 27 constipation relief strategies for women. With this, he has helped women who had trouble emptying their bowels even every two weeks, get two or three bowel movements everyday. This without, helping them take to expensive crazy diets, supplements and harmful laxatives.

The 27 Constipation Relief Strategies for Women has vastly improve the gut, the bowel and the quality of life of most women who applied these simple steps in life. What do you have to do? Nothing, all you need to is sign up for the constipation relief for women treatment that comes in your mail for seven days, for free.

The benefits by getting these tips free of cost can be tremendous. Most women have been able to get regular bowel movements in six weeks. They have been able to get better skin tone, treat depression, get better sleep and also lose weight (due to better metabolism)

What is included in Constipation Relief for Women

Over the next seven days, you will get in your mail, the following things

1. Find out the offending food that cause constipation

2. Find out the two essential nutrients that is causing constipation in women.

3. The pharmacy drugs that causes problems in bowel movements

4. What you should e doing every single day for 20 to 40 minutes that can not only help your gut but your mood and emotions too.

5. The liquids that cause problems to the stomach

6. The bedtime snack that you need to avoid constipation in the morning. This can also help you lose weight.

7. The number one cause of constipation in women

Though the free course for constipation in relief is good, the incomparable treatment that can ensure healthy bowel movements, glowing skin, better health comes when you order 27 constipation relief strategies for women, that is possibly the best natural cure for constipation in women, in the world, a natural treatment mode that has help thousands of women benefit.

Constipation Relief for Women-The Best Constipation Treatment

Here is a user experience of a beautiful woman who had constipation and flatulence issues

They call me beautiful and I do not disagree; I have been a model working with a reputed ad agency in Canada and has been doing pretty well for myself. I have kept myself fit (or so I thought) and I was always a preferred choice for ramp modeling as a show-stopper. But there was just one embarrassing problem that no one knew- the dreaded constipation. For some reason, I was flatulent, increasingly so; that had caused me a lot of discomfort.

During many times of ramp walk, my gut making noises, getting an unbearable pain in the belly at the oddest of times, as I would feign a smile, only to rush to the toilet. But then, all I would end up was would was flatulent hoots and little ball-shaped stools; and too after a lot of straining. There have been many times, when I had been in no position but to leave stink bombs right in there and look as if nothing happened. Since, I was the good looking daisy, no one would really fathom a guess, that it was me. But then; I have honestly lost out on quite a few opportunities as I had excused myself out of a few assignments because I didn’t feel like it due to this constant inconvenience.
Constipation Relief for Women

Also, I would go to the toilet, once in every two days and even if I would go every day, I would end up coming back without downloading anything (see my humor is intact). But trust me; going through constipation and excessive flatulence, bloating was quite a torture. I didn’t want to try laxatives and stuff because I knew they would do more harm than good. I did go to a doctor finally who gave me some laxatives; I was fine for some days, and the problem returned. I cut down on the so-called forbidden foods like sweets, ice-creams, yeast, broccoli etc but nothing worked. I tried various herbal preparations like mint tea

Finally, I read online about a naturopathic doctor named Kauro Munro; he seemed to be a specialist in treating constipation issues in women. I liked what I read online and also signed up for the free course on how to maintain my gut and get rid of constipation. But since I already lived in Canada, it would be helpful to meet him as well.

The meeting with him was a revelation. He said that undigested food tends to be accumulated in the colon and the bacteria feed on it, leading to more waste and gas build-up, leading to bloating and cramps. Though outwardly, my belly may look ‘hot’, inwardly, my gut and bowel had turned into a garbage bin. Also he pointed to my face and said that though I was beautiful naturally, I may show faster signs of ageing, pointing to the fine line on my face that had begun to make their appearance. I began to understand that good health and life-long beauty depended on the gut and the bowels. He said that the colon has to be cleaned within 24 hours, not more than that; and that if I had bowel movements twice a day, it was even better. Then he put me on a curative regime that made my constipation disappear. I go to the loo twice a day, I feel much better and look even more beautiful (people say so) and there is a definite glow on my skin. Yes, the fine lines are gone.

Causes of Constipation in Women: Why Women are Prone to Constipation

Constipation is such a common condition that involves the inability of the digestive system to break down and digest food efficiently. As a result, a person who suffers from this very uncomfortable condition experiences symptoms such as bad breath, stomach pains, bloating, difficulty in passing stools, and irritation around the anus.

There are certain foods that cause constipation. Whether constipation in babies, constipation in children, constipation in women, or even constipation in dogs, these different food types trigger constipation and sometimes, it even worsen the condition. Some of the well known constipation causing food are those that have high fat levels as well as dairy products. These products inhibit the regular function of the metabolic system simply because they have components that are difficult to breakdown and digest.
Constipation in Women

While constipation can be acquired by everyone, research shows that it is the women who are more prone to being constipated as compared to men. The prevalence of the occurrence of this condition is said to be caused by a lot of different factors such as:

  • Pregnancy

One of the major causes of constipation in women is pregnancy. When a woman is expecting, her body is adjusting to both physical and hormonal changes that are occurring. When an infant is forming inside the wound, it affects the natural processes of the intestines as during this time, a woman’s digestive system works to provide nourishment both for the mother and the child.

  • Menstrual period

Likewise, a womans menstrual cycle can also be one of the biggest cases of constipation in women. During this time, the body experiences hormonal changes which in turn affects the metabolic function of the stomach and intestines.

  • Less active lifestyle

Research shows that women are less engaged in physical activities than men. In fact, most women do not play sports while some do not even exercise regularly. Their lack of physical activities can be considered as one of the causes of constipation in women as it does not promote a healthier and more efficient metabolic processes. Women who are stagnant develops slow metabolism which contributes to difficulty in food digestion and even to weight gain.

  • Unbalanced diet

Women are very conscious about their figures which is why most of them engage in an unhealthy diet. They stay away from food that they think will make them fat. Because of this, they begin to lack fiber in their systems. Lack of fiber is one of the biggest causes of constipation in women as it results to hardening of the stool which makes it very difficult to excrete.

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