First time mothers are in for a quite a change to their lifestyle. Carrying around another human being is something that will take quite a lot out of the new mother and can cause body issues that many women are just not prepared to deal with. Take it from someone who has been there – deal with them right away or the entire pregnancy will be more of a burden than it already is.
For some reason, we all seem to forget to drink enough fluids. This is even more important when you are caring for another life. That little baby that is growing inside is getting its nourishment from mom and because of this, mom needs to make sure that she is not only getting enough of an intake for her needs, but for the baby’s as well. Not getting enough fluids will surely clog you up and make life very uncomfortable.
Another common reason that many pregnant women get constipated is because of a lack of exercise. When I had my first child, I was so tired and worn out, but what I didn’t realize was that I was the one feeding these conditions. Not only was I not drinking enough, but I stopped my daily walk thinking it would not be good to do when pregnant. Daily exercise will aid in keeping the bowels loose and will help out dramatically in keeping you regular. Pregnancy is not an excuse to be inactive!