Constipation Natural Remedies
Constipation is a problem which arises due to improper digestion. There are many home remedies that help cure the problem of constipation. Some of the best home remedies for constipation are listed below.Raisins:
Raisins are very effective in curing constipation as they have a high content of tartaric acid. Consuming raisins can help the digestive system to work in an appropriate manner and generate motions regularly. All you have to do is take 1/4rth cup of water and drench 15-20 raisins in them overnight. Eat these raisins and drink the water on an empty stomach.
Extra virgin olive oil:
Olive oil contains high traces of vitamin E. They contain fatty acids which help to loosen the toxic waste resulting in expected and uniform motions. Take a dose of one teaspoon olive oil early morning. This will help in keeping the bowel movements proper.
Castor oil:
Castor oil works wonders when taken in empty stomach every morning. It helps in the simulation of the intestines and should be taken 1 teaspoon in a day. It has an awful taste but is worth giving a try. The taste can be altered by taking castor oil along with some honey.
Psyllium seeds:
Psyllium seeds have a high content of dietary fibers. They work best when taken with hot water. Soak the seeds for two hours and then consume the water. One can add honey or lemon to improve the taste.
Lemon is a very effective product which helps the body in a large number of ways. It is a rich source of citric acid and helps to flush out the toxic waste of the body and helps to keep the body clean from within. It is a great home remedy to prevent constipation. Lemon juice with a cup of warm water helps the body function normally like before.
Molasses is a by-product of sugar-cane or grapes and act as a savior when it comes to the problem of constipation. It is full of nutrients like iron, magnesium, potassium and helps a great deal in loosening the motion. One can dilute it with 1 cup of water if they can’t take the taste.
Aloe Vera:
Aloe Vera is an incredible plant and is widely known for its ability to sooth the cuts and bruises and maintaining good skin. But only a few people are familiar of the benefits of Aloe Vera in curing constipation. One cup of Aloe Vera juice early morning gives excellent results.
Guavas contain fiber in the pulp as well as in the seeds. Due the presence of soluble as well as insoluble fiber it helps in cleaning the stomach and makes the bowl movements function as expected.
Spinach is a rich source of iron and must be included in daily diet to help in easing constipation. It can be taken in the form of soup. This is the most effective way to relieve the problems of constipation. Spices and flavors can be added to the soup to enhance the taste and make it pleasant to be consumed regularly.
Flax seeds:
2-3 tablespoons of flax seeds taken with a cup of warm water helps in loosening motions as they are a good source of fiber content.
China Grass:
It is a very good laxative and one of the best home remedies to reduce constipation. China Grass cooked with milk till it turns into a jelly like material can be taken to prevent the digestive disorder.
Fennel seeds:
Fennel seeds taken with warm water or milk at night help in relieving constipation to a large extent.
Papaya is great source of vitamin C and dietary fiber. It has an enjoyable taste and can be included in the breakfast to prevent hardening of stool. It helps in keeping the stomach clean which also brings a glow in the skin. It is also great for the skin.
Garlic is an excellent home remedy to prevent constipation. It enhances the motion of the intestines and helps the bowl movements to function normally.
Oranges are high sources of fiber other than being rich in citric acid. They help to ease the problem of constipation if taken regularly.
As they say “an apple a day keeps a doctor away”. This stands true as apple is great source of many nutrients. It is a fruit which tastes delicious and can help in trimming of the effect of constipation to a great extent.
Nutmeg is a very well-liked spice which can be used in curing digestion problems. Nutmeg when rubbed on a stone with lemon juice serves as a great agent to ease the effect of constipation.
Figs are a fascinating resource of fiber and calcium. Eating fig on an empty stomach stimulates digestion and gives comfort in the problem of constipation.
Dates are another home remedy for curing constipation. Dates can be taken alone or can be boiled in milk and the milk can be consumed to soothe the problems of constipation.
Exercise :
Exercising regularly for at least half an hour keeps the body fit and reduces the chances of any diseases or digestion problems inside the body.
Consuming fibers is the most efficient way to protect or treat digestive disorders like constipation. One must consume products which are rich sources of fiber like papaya, corn, guavas raisins etc. to shun the chances of any digestion troubles.
Store water in copper vessel overnight and drink the water in morning. This improves digestion and helps the motions to come on time.
Drink at least 8 glasses of water every day to make the digestive system function properly avoiding health issues like constipation.
Deep fried and overcooked food must be avoided if a person has complaints of irregular motions as overcooked food destroys the nutrients of any food and is bad for the digestive system of the body.
These are some of the best home remedies which can be tried to soothe the effect of constipation.