Constipation in Children

Only when a child has dry and hard difficult to pass feces that may even be painful, it is what this page is about, constipation in children. Toilet behavior really varies per child. Babies, especially breastfed babies, may have a full nappy after every feed or up to once every ten days. Toddlers may have to go three times per day or up to once every three days. This is all very normal and as long as the feces is not hard and difficult to pass, this is not constipation.

Symptoms of Constipation in Children

Constipation in Children
There are various symptoms that may be a signal that a child is suffering from constipation. Some of the most recognized are:

  • Pain and cramps or even bloating in the abdomen region.

  • Not hungry and not wanting to eat.

  • Moody and uninterested behavior.

  • Cracked skin around the anus, possible bleeding.

  • Signs of not wanting to go to the toilet.

  • If they can speak, telling you that it hurts when going to the toilet.

What causes Constipation in Children?

Constipation in children happens a lot and there can be multiple causes. Most likely it is an incorrect diet or a change in diet when going onto solids for instance. Important is to make sure that there is enough high fiber foods (most vegetables and fruits) and enough fluid intake.

Also when children are playing, they forget many things including going to the toilet. When holding up too long, the feces may become hard and dry.

There can also be an illness at play or it is just “in the genes” even when the diet and habits are all in order.

Treatments Available

To relieve a child from constipation, try laxatives first. Most common natural trick is prune juice. If that does not work, there are laxatives in medical form available as well. It would be best to discuss this with your doctor first. The doctor may also prescribe suppositories that are placed straight into the rectum. It is a bowel stimulant and should only be used if the oral options did not have any effect. The next step up is an enema. This is a fluid that is put into the rectum to soften the stool and stimulate bowel motion. Once the constipation has cleared, try to prevent this from happening in the future with a good diet to make sure that they go and can go to the toilet when they have to. Whatever happens, do not blame the child. It is not their fault that constipation in children happens.

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