Cure For Constipation

While this is not strictly a natural constipation remedy, it is a short term cure for constipation that is safer than prolonged laxative use. Millions of people suffer from constipation every day. In fact the second most purchased item in the health industry is for constipation, second only to headache remedies.

It is thought that many of the headaches are in fact caused by constipation, and many of the headache medicines we take make our constipation worse.

Without further ado, here is the quick, cheap, and easy cure for constipation… Sugar free chewing gum.

Don’t laugh, let me explain.

Take two pieces, one at a time, chew them thoroughly, and swallow them. Here is why they work.

First by chewing for a while, you get all those digestive juices flowing. Your brain knows when you chew food is on the way so it starts to prepare. This helps. But the real power in the gum is a chemical in sugar free gum which is poorly digested, absorbed, and metabolized. The ingredient is sorbitol.

Sorbitol belongs to a class of polyalcohol sugars and includes Sorbitol, mannitol, and xylitol. All of which you can find as active ingredients in some laxatives. Sorbitol does occur naturally in foods such as pears, prunes, and other fruits.

Sorbitol is used as a sweetener because it tastes sweet on the tongue, but because of the chemical structure of the sugar, it is not readily absorbed by the small intestine. Since the sugar is not absorbed, it doesn’t count.

Sorbitols make up and lack of absorbtion gives it a laxative effect. Please be careful using sugar free gum as a cure for constipation. While being very effective as a laxative, it is just that, a laxative. Consuming large amounts of it can cause severe diarrhea and weight loss.

However, if you are determined to change your ways to regulate your bowels with the top three natural constipation remedies; water, fiber, and exercise, and need a boost to get things moving, a couple stick of sugar free gum may just do the trick.

So, in closing, if you are suffering from mild constipation and want a quick cure for constipation, take two sticks of gum and call me in the morning.

No wonder 9 out of 10 dentists recommend sugar free gum to their patients.

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