How Potassium Can Help
Your body needs potassium so that the motion of the colon walls, known as peristaltic action can be supported. Without appropriate potassium levels the walls of the colon will lack the tone they need to contract properly when moving fecal material through the body.
Potassium is a very powerful ally in the nourishment, building and cleaning of the walls of your colon. If you eat foods that have a high potassium content they will help to remove the layer of built up waste, mucus, dried feces and heavy metals that can deposit on the walls of your colon.
Continual constipation is frequently caused by the excess buildup of fecal matter and retained toxins. when such buildup exists it is impossible for the walls of your colon to work correctly. Another function of potassium is to pull water from the body. When potassium is found in the colon it attracts water to is and incorporates it into the feces which softens the stool and makes it easier for it to move through the colon.
Using Prunes as Cures for Constipation
One of the easiest ways to get more potassium in your diet is by consuming a simple drink that is made by steeping dried prunes in hot water for about ten minutes. Then you should eat the prunes you have soaked and drink the remaining juice. This should be done in the morning before you have eaten anything else.
High concentrations of vitamin A and potassium such as that found in prunes can help to simulate the enzymatic processes. the enzymatic processes dissolve the wastes from the walls of the colon and removes blockages. These nutrients also stimulate peristaltic action and help waste to move out through the rectum.
Among the best foods you can eat to provide your body with ample potassium are cabbage, kale, yellow tomatoes, carrots, cucumbers, broccoli, spinach, flax seed, cauliflower, alfalfa sprouts, sesame seeds, goat’s milk, grapes, wheat germ, brewer’s yeast, green peppers, beets, potatoes with the skin on them, pineapple, and black strap molasses.
If you have been diagnosed with kidney disease you should avoid potassium supplements unless your physician tells you to use them. If you are expecting you should only use potassium supplements under a doctor’s supervision. Of course you should always seek a doctor’s opinion before using any cures for constipation.