The problem really comes in when the child gets constipated and starts to have hard and painful bowel movements. Because it hurts to go to the bathroom, he or she will start to hold in the bowel movement so it won’t hurt again. This children constipation starts the cycle that makes matters go on and get worse.
When children become constipated it is most effective to treat them by changing their diet. This new diet usually works in conjunction with stool softeners until the problem has been resolved. The treatment is to help the child have at least one or two soft bowel movements a day.
Increasing the amount of water and fruit juice children drink daily is a part of the diet changes when they are constipated. Work in more fruits and vegetables along with other non-constipating foods such as popcorn. Adding more bran to their diet will also help with children constipation.
As for the stool softeners, there are certain ones that are given to children and are usually available right over the counter without a need for a prescription. These will most likely be given to them, along with their diet changes, for a period of six to twelve months. That gives the non-constipating diet a chance to kick in so that the child can eventually come off of the softeners.
As always, if your child has an ongoing problem with constipation, you should make sure to contact the doctor. Children constipation is not pleasant and your child does not need to suffer unnecessarily. There are remedies and they should be started as soon as possible.