Baby Constipation Remedies
Constipation is uncomfortable and painful to adults, what more to toddlers? If you’re a mom, it’s hard to see your kid go through that condition. Constipation in toddlers can be treated naturally.Constipation in toddlers prevents regular bowel movement. This leaves toddlers feel bloated and suffer from stomach pain. Stool is hard and dry which makes it hard for toddlers to pass. Constipation in toddlers can be caused by several things such as lack of fiber and liquid intake, too much intake of foods that can cause constipation or by force of habit. Laxatives, which can be bought from drugstores even without prescription can help treat toddlers’ constipation. However, since their system is not as strong as adults, these may be too strong for them. It’s best to try treating constipation the natural way first to prevent any side effects on the child. Since this condition is usually caused by low fiber in their diet, give them foods that are high in fiber such as grapes, apples, apricots, pears, sweet potatoes, tomatoes, whole wheat pasta and raisins. Let them take more liquids like water and fruit juices.
Foods high in fiber aid in proper digestion thus preventing constipation. Some foods may cause constipation if kids eat too much of these. Milk can be one of these. Though milk is recommended to be taken by kids for stronger bones and teeth, if it causes constipation, cut the amount that your kids take each day. Other foods that can also cause constipation are bananas, cheese, yogurt, carrots, junk foods, ice cream and meat. Kids who don’t have regular bathroom schedule may also experience constipation because they may not be used to defecate regularly. Practice regular schedule of putting the kids in the bathroom so they can get used to it.
Constipation in toddlers can be treated with the natural methods given in this article. However, if problem persists especially if there’s blood stain on the stool, immediate medical attention is needed to treat the condition.