Constipation Natural Remedies
After suffering from constipation for almost five decades, I suddenly found a perfect solution. My body, my abdomen in particular, felt so light and many of my long standing problems like abdominal gas, hemorrhoids, body smell etc. slowly started disappearing.It is such a wonderful and confidence building experience. It happened with just a few changes in my eating habits and lifestyle.
What is constipation?
Simply stated, it is - irregular and incomplete emptying of fecal matter (stool) from the colon.
Within a short time, it gets stagnated, your healthy colon turns unhygienic and becomes a breeding heaven for disease causing germs.
Constipation is the single most common disease suffered by maximum number of people- almost 99% of the humans suffer from it- and is considered to be the starting point for many major diseases.
As problems like obesity, diabetes, heart ailments, hyper tension etc., become common, you are not surprised if people around you have them. In fact, you will be surprised if you come across someone without them.
It’s the same with constipation too. It is a subject you feel embarrassed to talk about, which make things worse. Many of us don’t even think it as a disease. But it is and a nasty one too. It is so dangerous that Dr. Bernard Jensen warned, “Death begins in the colon”
Is the process so simple?
You must be wondering, if it is so simple to get rid of constipation and its harmful effects by adopting a few lifestyle changes, why so many suffer from it?
Awareness. And will power to put your knowledge into practice for a healthy life.
One who doesn’t put his knowledge into practice for his/others’ betterment, he is no better than an ignorant.
In my case, I was not aware. Not aware of what my body needs to keep it healthy. None of the doctors I consulted told me how to keep my body healthy. They were interested only in my money.
I suffered from constipation and many of its side effects right from my childhood until I was 50. I shudder to think of my childhood days- hard stools difficult to expel, intestinal worms, abdominal bloating with pain…How I used to cry in evening and night because of biting in the anus by pin worms. No doctor suggested anything better than intestinal flushing (drink castor oil) once a year.My young and adult years were much worse- frequent illness, stomach pain, hemorrhoids (piles), indigestion, absence of hunger, stomach gas and bloating, bad breath, body odor and many more.A considerable portion of my salary went in medical bills. The medicines I poured into my body caused more new problems than the relief they gave. The result was more frequent visits to doctors. |
What the doctors don't tell you
Most of the doctors don’t tell you much about your problem. They may tell you what it is, but not why it is and how to prevent its occurrence in future. They don’t have time, patience or inclination to tell you such details. They simply scribble what tests to be done or what medicines to be taken. Making the patient knowledgeable about prevention is definitely not in their agenda. May be, many patients don’t show interest to know the details.
When I look back, I am sure that most of my health problems could have been avoided with some basic information about my body needs.
Information is the most valuable thing in any part of life. It is well documented- Individuals who are well-informed about healthy living with the help of any media, tend to stick to healthy lifestyle and eating patterns.
What you will get here?
Here, at ‘’, we are going to discuss about the problem in detail. It’s just not enough to list out the remedies and preventive procedures. The concept is- focus on the concepts too.
As you read through each page of this website, you will become more informed and your awareness grows. It’s not only ‘what’ but also ‘how’ and ‘why’ of different essential issues related to constipation.
For example, if stagnation of fecal matter causes many health problems, you will naturally be interested in free movement of fecal matter. You will also be keen to know:
- How stool enters the colon?
- Why stool stagnation in the colon causes various serious problems?
- What stool consists of, that makes its stagnation so dangerous?
- How stool is formed?
- How stool gets generated from the food we eat?
- What happens in the digestive system?
And many more issues related to constipation, its relief, cure and prevention.
With the information presented here, you will definitely be well-informed. This in turn will make you follow the suggested procedures wholeheartedly as your mind will be free of any doubts.