Chronic Constipation and Treatment for Severe Constipation

If you experience fewer than three bowel movements in one week, then you may be suffering from chronic constipation. This condition can be caused by diet or by an underlying medical condition.

Types of Chronic Constipation

There are two main types of chronic constipation: Slow transit of the colon and an obstructed colon. The obstructed colon can have a functional cause to the problem which is where you cannot find any signs of injury or infection to the blood or any abnormalities. Slow transit constipation can be caused by inadequate diet, problems with hormones, side effects to medications, and heavy metal toxicity. Patients recovering after a major surgery often find themselves suffering from constipation.

Chronic Constipation Tests

Chronic constipation is treatable and the cause of it can be determined by a variety of tests. Your physician may suggest an examination using a bendable viewing tube, either only the lower area of the large intestine (sigmoidoscopy) or on the whole colon (colonoscopy). An intestinal x-ray may possibly indicate evidence of obstructions, another test requires ingesting several capsules that then shows up on x-rays.

Your doctor can develop a treatment plan for you because each individual is quite different and you can find specialists located in your area listed in online business directories or the yellow pages. They deliver personalized service and respect all patient’s privacy, keeping all information strictly confidential. They also accept most health insurance plans and offer payment options for cash paying patients. First you will be required to answer a few questions. You may also be asked to fill in a few forms that will be kept on file. Their services and treatments are really affordable.

Chronic Constipation – Treatment for Severe Constipation

You do not have to suffer any longer. Your nutritionist can help by giving suggestions to modify your diet. Eating a lot of fresh fruits and vegetable will help you have regular bowel movements. Your health is very important to you and your family and these specialists place you at top priority.

Chronic constipation can make you not feel well enough to perform your normal daily activities. It can make you feel bloated and weighed down and you may also feel sluggish and tired. Sometimes people may also run a bit of fever as well. A healthy Colon gets rid of harmful toxins in the body and absorbs the vitamins and minerals from the food that we eat so it is imperative to get this looked into so you are feeling back on track as soon as possible.

Chronic constipation happens over time, it is a condition that slowly builds up. If it is left untreated, then it can cause other medical complications. If your constipation develops suddenly or has noticeably worsened, it is essential to see your doctor to find the cause of your chronic constipation.

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